Thursday, February 4, 2010

Must-Have Wedding Day Shots

When you think about it, all you have left over from the most magical day of your life are your photos. Any bride will tell you that the day goes so fast, it's so easy to forget to gather your high school girlfriends together for a shot or a generational shot of your grandmother, your mother and yourself.

Sure, your photographer does this for a living so they will most likely capture the major shots but you don't have this day to do-over so it's important to ensure you have every personal shot you want for your wedding day.

How do you do this? Weeks before your wedding, you sit down and list all the photos that you must have before the day is over.

Good news... In Style Weddings has already started the list for you. Head to to download their list of 40 photos your photographer can't miss.


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